Edpuzzle allows teachers to edit, crop and organize videos online. It does much more.
This is not a traditional video editor. It’s more about getting clips into a format that allows teachers and students to interact directly on a subject. You can also use it to create assessments based on content and has many controls that permit you to use video in even more restrictive school settings.
It’s a modern platform that is engaging for students and easy for teachers to use. You can even find curriculum-specific content that will help you to support your students’ learning.
What isEdpuzzle
Edpuzzle allows you to edit online videos and add interactive content to meet specific learning goals. Teachers can upload videos, add URLs or search the built in content library (including YouTube videos as well as filters for Khan Academy and TED, National Geographic and many more).
You can customize videos with voice-over comments and embedded assessment questions. Teachers can share videos with students, assign due dates and track students’ scores over time. Students can also answer embedded assessments and watch videos. You can either watch the video solo or in “live mode,” which allows teachers to show a video as part of a group activity.
The teacher’s Edpuzzle dashboard displays data from embedded quizzes. There are simple features to export and integrate that data into other course- and grade-management systems. Edpuzzle integrates with Google Classroom and Canvas, Schoology, Moodle and PowerSchool. Teachers can import videos directly from Webcastify, Explain Every and Google Drive. Teachers have the option to keep their videos private or share them with other teachers who use the tool. This blog is regularly updated with tips and ideas on using video in the classroom, at home, or for distance learning.

Edpuzzle allows teachers to upload personal and web-based videos like YouTube to be cropped and mixed with other content. This could include audio commentary, voice-overs, and embedded assessment questions.
Teachers can use Edpuzzle to observe how students interact with the video content. This feedback is useful for grading and can help to see how students interact with specific tasks.
How to Use Edpuzzle in the Classroom
An Edpuzzle is a free video-based learning platform for students. Instead of having to sit through a long class session, students can participate in online videos and learn at their own pace. The platform features a curriculum library, which is organized by content area. Using Edpuzzle, users can embed questions and record their own voice to explain a concept or topic in a video. The original video stops playing while the audio track plays, which allows teachers to monitor student engagement.
A teacher can create an online class using Edpuzzle. The student can then answer a series of questions based on the chosen videos. A teacher can easily track student viewing and assign specific videos to different students. The teacher can add interactive features to help students understand the concepts. A video can be uploaded to the teacher’s account, as well as be viewed by other members. EDpuzzle can be used to assign a variety of different kinds of lessons, such as a discussion or a project.
A voice-over feature is included in Edpuzzle. This feature allows teachers to add their own content to the videos and add a voiceover. This helps teachers to monitor student understanding. A voice-over helps students to keep track of the concepts and terminology that are being taught. This tool is especially relevant to remote learning, which allows students to view videos from the comfort of their own home. Its customizable questions make it ideal for engaging struggling readers.
A teacher can import and export the videos they have created in their class and share them with other educators. It also allows teachers to select video content from a curriculum library. For the most part, a student’s learning experience can be influenced by the type of video content that is being shared. An elementary school teacher can share the work they have created with other classes via the Edpuzzle site. When a teacher creates a class, they can assign a username and password, allowing students to participate in the classroom.
The user can embed videos in their class. They can also embed a video from another source. The video can then be embedded within a document and shared with other users. A teacher can use the videos to improve the learning process and to make the most of the lesson plans. A teacher can view the responses of students to a question. A student can see how many times a particular section of a video was watched, by which percentage.
What is Edpuzzle used for?
An educator can search for educational videos on YouTube and add embedded assessment questions to them. The video is able to be cropped by the teacher or added by the student. The teacher can even create their own videos and add audio or video comments. A user can even upload their own video. A teacher can add extra resources by adding a comment to a video. The user can also add his or her own questions. A teacher can easily upload a YouTube or Google search.
An Edpuzzle is a fun way to reinforce reading comprehension. The platform offers a number of ways to teach the concepts. A teacher can use an Edpuzzle as a guided reading center. A student can watch a video, record it and then rewind it. He can then click on the “Quizzes” button to record their comments. If he or she has an interest in math, he or she can also record a video and answer it.
Students can add quizzes to their videos with the Edpuzzle. The tool allows parents to control their student’s account and assign multiple video questions to a given class. The students can be given a grade by adding comments or adding their own voice. The Edpuzzle platform also has an analytics section. Moreover, the video will stop if the students choose to skip a specific segment. A custom voiceover will not pause when a student opens another tab.
The Edpuzzle app allows teachers to create any video lesson. It also provides the students with a voiceover to answer questions. The app can be integrated with a LMS or a social network. It can even integrate with other apps. Besides, it has integrations with National Geographic, Khan Academy, and Canvas. It is a powerful learning tool for teachers and students. And the content of Edpuzzle is easily accessible for teachers and students.
Edpuzzle Answers

There are four steps to creating and using an Edpuzzle Video.
- Choose a video you wish to edit – Upload and use your videos, or search from a variety of resources such as YouTube, Khan Academy, National Geographic, TED talks, and more.
- Personalize the elements
- Crop Selected Video: By cropping, you can only include the video sections that you wish your students to see.
- Record an Audio Track. This overlays a self-recorded audio track that replaces the original video as it is being played. This feature allows you to explain the video to students using your teaching style and your own words.
- You can add an audio note to the video. This could be an introduction, conclusion, or a comment. While your audio note plays, the original video will pause.
- Insert quizzes – insert an open-ended, multiple-choice question, or text comment at any time along the video. While the student is engaged with the question, the original video stops.
- Save and share – Save your creation to Edpuzzle, assign it to a class or create a link to it, or publicly share it.
- Analyse the engagement of students with video and track their performance on quizzes.
Explore Edpuzzle’s creative pedagogical uses.
- Audio notes and quizzes can enhance your instructional videos.
- Personalize and adapt videos of others
- Edpuzzle is a tool that can be used to transform your classroom
- Edpuzzle can be used to help students create video lessons.
Features ofEdpuzzle
It’s possible to insert links, create formulas and add rich text when creating videos. An LMS system can then be used to embed the final video. There are support for Canvas, Schoology and Moodle as well as Blackboard, Powerschool, Blackbaud, Canvas, Canvas, Schoology and Moodle. It is also possible to embed on a website or blog.
Projects allows teachers to assign tasks to students that require them to create videos. Maybe the class can add annotations to explain what’s happening at each stage of a video experiment. This could be an experiment that the teacher has filmed or one that is already online.
Prevent Skipping allows students to not skip a video and instead must watch the video as it plays so they can answer all the questions. It intelligently stops the student from playing the video and opens a new tab. This forces them to pay attention to the video.
Embedding your voice is an important feature. Studies have shown that students pay three times as much attention to familiar voices.
Students can be assigned videos to be viewed at home by their parents. This is a way Edpuzzle found to be more interesting for them.
Edpuzzle is used in more than half of the U.S. schools. It is fully compliant to FERPA and COPPA laws, so you can participate with confidence. Be sure to review the videos, as Edpuzzle cannot be held responsible for any information you may have gotten from other sources.
Conclusion – Is Edpuzzle good?
This tool is extremely useful for transforming video content and can be used in almost any classroom. Online videos can be customized by both students and teachers to encourage viewers to reflect, think, and respond. The amount of information that viewers will learn depends on what the original video contains and whether there are any comments or questions you have added. However, this is a great way to foster a learner-centric classroom environment. Students will be more engaged and willing to critique videos if they are made engagingly. Teachers can upload their videos easily, and there are many high-quality videos (both from Khan Academy and other teachers) that can be used as a great starting point.
Although passively viewing online videos might require lower-level thinking skills than others, being able to identify and encourage interaction with the most important parts of a video can increase the content’s relevance and depth of learning. This is especially true if teachers make use of the option to add additional resources and links. Teachers can also help students develop critical thinking skills like analysis and information-seeking.
It’s difficult to find the right content, and how it’s organized. It can be difficult to search for the right content. It can be difficult to navigate through all the different versions of the videos shared by teachers. It could have more tools for remixing and annotating videos, including the ability to combine multiple videos. This feature is not yet available. The developers suggest a workaround. Sequencing video lessons can create an identical student learning experience.