With a platform that helps institutional investors research, browse, and sign legal documents online, FarmTogether is the smartest way to invest in US farmland. With institutional-quality investments that provide a return on investment of over 30%, investing in US farmland is a great way to secure your investment and build a stable portfolio. The company has more than a decade of experience providing investors with high-quality investment opportunities, and its mission is to help farmers and ranchers grow their businesses.

Investing in FarmTogether is not for everyone, however. For a truly profitable investment, you should have a net worth of at least $1 million and annual income of over $200,000. This will enable you to select and invest in a wide variety of farms and ranches without sacrificing your time and money. The site also has a calculator that will help you determine the best investment for your needs, as long as you have some knowledge of the market.
The platform offers a secondary liquidity market for investors. While most of its deals are located in California and the Pacific Northwest, there are some deals available throughout the country. You can use this to diversify your assets. It is important to remember that you can’t withdraw your money until the transaction is completed, so plan to hold onto your FarmTogether investments for a full cycle. This will allow you to reap the maximum returns on your investment.
FarmTogether does charge transaction fees, but these fees vary depending on the investment opportunity you purchase. You may pay an “intake fee” of 0.5% to 1.0% of the initial investment. Once you’ve invested in the program, you will be required to pay an annual management fee of around 1% of your investment. The fees are one-time upfront. You’ll be able to contact the company by phone, but they can’t be reached by phone.
If you’re looking for an investment in farmland, you’ll want to invest with a company that can help you choose the right investments. Although this platform is largely illiquid and offers an early exit, it can still be a lucrative investment. With careful research, you can find the right investment for your needs and save yourself from unnecessary fees. You can’t beat passive income, so don’t miss out on FarmTogether.
The company’s calculator allows you to determine how much you can afford to invest, and calculates the returns that you can expect over the years. You can view the income and appreciation ratios over time, and even see what kind of returns you can expect. In addition to this, FarmTogether accepts investments in all types of land, from small farms to large farms. As long as you have the funds to make investments, FarmTogether is the best way to invest in agricultural land.