Using gamification, artificial intelligence, social learning, and robust data analysis, Trivie helps employees remember what’s important and gives businesses actionable insights. With its proven brain-computer interface, Trivie can be installed on any smartphone or tablet and immediately starts working. To get started, just download the free trial and begin gamifying your workplace. Then, you’ll see that your employees will be more engaged and productive. What’s more, your company will be able to measure the success of its strategy by comparing employees’ performance against those of the competition.
The benefits of Trivie are many, including increased knowledge retention and gamification. The game is designed to encourage learner engagement and create a healthy debate among participants. While there are no prizes for winners, it encourages high learner engagement. The software’s unique algorithm is capable of analyzing score data and can even predict when a user will forget information, creating a faster feedback loop and more personalized training. It also uses gamification to motivate employees to complete training, which ensures that they’ll remember it.
The proprietary AI behind Trivie predicts when a learner will forget a certain skill, which helps them improve their knowledge retention. The platform’s gamification and AI-powered features help learners stay engaged and focused on the content. The game requires less than 10 minutes of study a month and is 100% customized to the learner. Moreover, 90% of participants remember at least some of the training material. This helps them stay engaged and focused.
In addition to being engaging, Trivie also offers an easy-to-use management dashboard. This allows for easy implementation and is easy to use. It is available on the desktop and mobile web. The product is scalable and is highly customizable, allowing for multiple users. The free version can be downloaded to smartphones and tablets. Its proprietary AI also tracks the in-game social interaction and helps organizations identify gaps in knowledge retention. It is also free, which makes it a great value for businesses that want to grow without spending a fortune on expensive training.
The Trivie platform has a large user base, and its neuroscience-based approach increases knowledge retention and engagement. Furthermore, Trivie’s analytics enable companies to measure and manage the impact of training initiatives. With the help of its analytics, organizations can determine the success of various training programs. This way, they can improve their processes and ensure that they achieve their desired goals. In a nutshell, it’s important to create an environment where people can be engaged and grow as individuals.
A company’s knowledge retention efforts will be improved if it provides tools to assess employee knowledge. For example, if 62% of workers are working from home, it would be impossible to implement a comprehensive learning program for this population. The Trivie self-service software will help employees measure their knowledge retention. It is easy to implement and deploy, and users will find it easy to use. This platform has proven brain-science techniques and is very useful for improving the productivity of an organization.